Welcome to 1-2-3 Inner Game, your weekly insight into actionable strategies to help you achieve a high-performing, healthy, and thriving life.
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Today's Highlights
They don't make friends the way they used to
1-2-3 Inner-Game
My 8 best techniques for evaluating character
How to find your purpose
A passage I've been pondering this week
Lessons from someone who works for Warren Buffet
I love a good meme
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I'm currently in Manila for a month-long trip.
Although I've had many opportunities to chill with the family, I've made space to catch up with old friends.
Old friends bring a sense of nostalgia, and those conversations have a way of transporting you back to simpler times.
We laugh about old memories, share stories of how we've grown, and remind each other of the dreams we once had.
It’s a refreshing reminder of who I was and how far I’ve come, and it fills me with a deep sense of gratitude for the people who have been part of my journey.
Here are some Inner Game perspectives to consider this week
1 question from me
Nearly everything in life has a useful zone, a desired dose.
Ten minutes in the sun can energize you.
Ten hours can burn you.
This concept applies to many things: work, relationships, hobbies, exercise, food.
Where are you overdosing on?
2 insights from me
1 - If you want to be happy, you must be present, to be present, you must be honest at all times.
2 - My fundamental belief is that someone’s driving you forward or holding you back. There’s no in-between. Get rid of the people who are holding you back! Find people who are driving you forward!
“What makes you crazy makes you great”
- Dhiren Harchandani
“Life is an iterative and compounding game, it pays to “go positive and go first.” Also, remember that people make mistakes. Assuming there is no maliciousness, it pays to forgive.”
- Peter Kaufman
"When we hear music, poetry or stories, the world opens up again. We’re drawn in — or out — and the windows of our perception are cleansed." As William Blake said, the same thing can happen when we’re around young children or adults who have unlearned those habits of shutting the world out.
My 8 Best Techniques for Evaluating Character

A person’s choice of a spouse—or their closest lifelong companion if they are not married—reveals more about them than any public actions or words. This decision reflects their deepest desires, expectations, and needs. It reveals how they view themselves and what they believe they deserve—or are willing to accept—in life. I believe this is the most telling indicator of their true priorities and values.
What's new with the show - Emergence Now
![]() | "Change is the only constant"
This is an episode you don't want to miss |
A passage I've been pondering on this week
“Whatever a human being desires for themselves will not come about exactly as they first imagined it or first laid it out in their minds…what always happens is the meeting between what you desire from your world and what the world desires of you. It’s this frontier where you overhear yourself and you overhear the world. And that frontier is the only place where things are real…in which you just try to keep integrity and groundedness while keeping your eyes and your voice dedicated toward the horizon you’re going to, or the horizon in another person you’re meeting."
- David Whyte
Some of the things I read and listened to this week
I love a good meme

I'm rooting for you to have even more success.