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  • Writer's pictureDhiren P. Harchandani

1-2-3 Inner Game

Welcome to 1-2-3 Inner Game, your weekly insight into actionable strategies designed to help you achieve a high-performing, healthy, and thriving life.


This Week’s Highlights

  • Unstructured and creativity

  • 1-2-3 Inner-Game

  • A Poem I’ve been pondering

  • Social Media owns your A**

  • The secret of high achievers

  • Some of the things I read and listened to this week


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The past few weeks have been truly wonderful. I’ve enjoyed quality time with my family and reconnected with old friends, which has been both refreshing and fulfilling.

At first, stepping out of my usual routine felt a bit unsettling.

The first week was particularly challenging as I adjusted to the lack of structure. However, as the second week rolled around, I began to notice a shift.

Without the pressure of a packed schedule, my body started to unwind, and I found myself more at ease. This newfound relaxation didn’t just benefit me physically—it also sparked a wave of creativity that I hadn't felt in a while.

Being away from the usual hustle allowed me to go from thinking fast to thinking slow, and to be more present in the moment.

This break has not only recharged me but also rekindled my creativity in ways I didn’t expect.


Here are some Inner Game perspectives to consider this week

1 question from me:

You have two types of people in your life.

The first are people who are driving you forward, people that you're learning and growing from.

The second type of people are those who are holding you back.

How many people in your circle are driving you forward?



“Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen”

-Arianna Huffington


“Coaching is a seduction into a possibility”

-Benjamin Zander

3 insights from me: 


Having a friendly demeanor and a positive outlook can increase your chances of success.

Opportunities often arise through connections, and people are more likely to share opportunities with those they find agreeable.

It's difficult to thrive if your attitude causes tension in your interactions with others."


Three simple ways to get more of what you want in life:

1) Be kind and approachable to others

2) Ask for what you want

3) Follow up


It's wiser to be alone than to surround yourself with negative influences.

It's more worthwhile to do nothing than to invest time in something meaningless.

It's better to rest than to climb the wrong mountain.


A poem I’ve been pondering


What’s new with the POD

Did you know that social media owns your A**? If you’re a frequent listener to the show, then the answer is a resounding “YES!” But here’s something you probably didn’t know.


Social Media Owns Your A**


The secret of high achievers

If small changes can lead to significant outcomes, why is success still so hard to achieve?

The key factor is discipline. Maintaining consistent discipline during good times is difficult for most people, and it’s even harder during challenging periods.

It’s easy to do something once, but not everyone can maintain that effort consistently. Eating a healthy meal is something many people can do, but sticking to a healthy diet for an entire week is less common.

Similarly, working out sporadically is typical, but keeping a regular exercise routine is not. Going to bed on time once is simple, but doing it every night for a week is a challenge.

The path to future success is straightforward, but it’s not easy. The real challenge is the discipline required to stick to ordinary actions over a long period, even when progress isn’t immediately visible.

When people talk about loving the process, this is what they’re referring to.

Can you keep going when it’s tough?

Can you continue when others give up?

Can you work on something long enough to see the benefits accumulate?

Can you keep going even when you don’t see immediate results?

Setting yourself up for success is simple in theory, but maintaining that effort consistently is the real test.

Remarkable outcomes are the result of ordinary people exercising an extraordinary level of discipline.


Some of the things I read and listened to this week


I'm rooting for you to have even more success.



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